
no, havent. have you tried Wynonna Earp?

agree on the lead thing. apart from it's potential bad effect on humans, I was thinking - seriously? what if there are other innocent Daxamites hiding on Earth, or other species also sensitive to it? - it is basically committing genocide

I cant take any chilli either. I like spice as in seasoning but nothing hot. I cant even trust people when they say it's not hot or spicy, it would be for me. it just hurts too much in an unpleasant way. Aslo hate bitter stuff, cant stand beer or dry wine here. most dry wine in the Uk taste like vinegar anyway.

Varied characters, as long as it is a real person or already established literary character. Srsl I am (was) big fan of the guy but he hasn't played anything really new.

no, just no. and it's coming from me, who watched every bloody episode of TBBT. although not sure why since s4, it's more like a reflex.

Torchwood moved as well from BBC3?

perfect excuse to bring up one of the most classic opening lines I read:
- Sir, I'm looking for my knife
- where did you leave it?
- In some sailor

I assumed it was part of the sleep deprivation torture they put her through, with the flashing lights and noise?

hmmmm. I really liked the premise but I just got tired of everyone being shit to Julia

tbh, it's not very good.

Buffy had proper arcs I can remember and there was a resolution and payoff at the end that made sense. none of the new Doctor Who arcs had a decent payoff for any of the arcs. it was more 'we should do a season arc, but we written ourselves into a corner so just make something magical up to get out of it'

I need advice on the Magicians. I gave up halfway s1 as I couldnt take anymore of Quentin's constant whining even that he is let off for anything he screws up and he's for some reason everyone's favourite and special one.
While Julia was treated like shit by him and everyone else, even that she seems to be better than

I'm glad Crazyhead was on the list. it's such a fun show

it's shit. I dont like change like this

my issue was the if Oliver has been trapped there since the 60s, how does he know about Karaoke? I dont have an issue of the show itself not set at any specific time or in future but he was asking about free love and bras so there is some sort of past timeline

tbh it was obvious that is was Chase after they killed off Felicity's boyfriend. it could only be one of those 2.

So from all the things not to like,e about Trump, this is the least important. Who cares how he eats his steak? Committing treason, inciting hatred, literally getting people killed and destroying lives should be the focus. This is just smokescreen to take away the heat from his constant lies.
(disclaimer: I

that would be my bet to, as it is almost polite with pleasantries.

when you see tweets from him 4-5 years ago, he was still mostly coherent. the mental decline is visible. SAD!