
Listen to the toilet flush now…….in the shitter is his career. Like a turd. Oh wait, I was thinking of you! hahahahahaha

Yes, he was a musician before he started acting. THAT'S WHY HE TURNED TO ACTING!!!!!! Because he music sucked old dried up t*ts, remember? LOL

Do you realize the post was months ago???? Get a life! Depp STILL can't play guitar or he would of made it as a rock star instead of hanging onto old friends who were. And actors who start singing sicken him, remember?

His movie career is in the dumper so now he teams up with old guys to play music. That's just sad. And awful. Have you see these guys looks lately. Eeew! Maybe he figures he will be the best looking one and get attention. He can't play worth crap. He just has his guitar hanging low and gives it a big strum every