If the kid and his mum are some form of the Tremonts then he might well have superpowers…
But yeah dunno if I actually subscribe to that theory
If the kid and his mum are some form of the Tremonts then he might well have superpowers…
But yeah dunno if I actually subscribe to that theory
Yeah, and there was a lot of mocking of the name iZombie before the show started…
I'm hoping they could do some rotating antagonists next season - arcs with Helix, Talia and Vigilante.
Possibly bringing them all together in the end - although that might get a little too retread of this season. Perhaps trying to mix them up in the finale in a way that isn't "enemy of my enemy", conflicting plans for…
Didn't they introduce the Bratva thing pretty early on? I'm sure they hadn't planned it out and that was just a thread to be figured out later but they clearly knew he wasn't going to stay on island for the entire show
There was no point for Vigilante other than the point for Vigilante…..
Admittedly "no, but I know where she drinks" referring to Sarah Palmer's house is a very Twin Peaksy line..
Someone mentioned there are quite a few owl decorations in that house.. I'd guess it means that whoever manufactured Dougie might've set things up to keep an eye on them
I also thought they might've been the same actor - but nope:
Nope, and these episodes referenced stuff from the book (that wasn't in the show prior) - Cooper going to meet Garland post black lodge and Agent Preston
I thought the weird Coop post Lodge was because he'd been "tricked" rather than some sort of 'learning to reuse muscles post coma' kind of thing.
Yeah I read that line as being "you did exactly as I manipulated you to do, stupid human" .
It's definitely hit that point, probs with their big moment in season 5.
There's still a lot to like - it's well shot, and well acted and some of the storytelling is exciting - but yeah it's style over substance through and through.
Possibly trying to socialise more with the other side of the couple you know less? I was saying in another post I'm very much in your situation but very rarely notice it as it rarely ever feels like my friends are couples as much as just two friends I have…
Also encouraging people not to stick in couples at events but…
I guess it depends on the group. Most of my friends are in couples and I'm not but I barely notice. I guess because the friendships are between everyone rather than my friend + their partner kind of stuff. Plus everyone's both busy and up for doing things so quite frequently a worknight evening will consist of mix and…
And the Chemical Brothers..
Yeah the Night Manager was very flashy and had some great actors but was pretty much an average thriller masquerading as prestige TV
Fair play, you enjoyed it.
I have friends who're teachers and have called them out on going into "teacher mode" with me / others - there are certain methods of dealing with situations and people that come out outside of the classroom.
I assumed 253 was a reference to passing time. IIRC what was said was roughly "25 3 time and time again", so 28. OG series is set in 1989, I'm assuming this is set in 2017
I think flashing lights have suggested the presence of lodge spirits during the show