Large volumes of cash?
Large volumes of cash?
Yeah, I'd rather he just keeps popping up to complicate matters for a bit (I feel that's always a fun part of comic book shows - where you've build up a deep bench of supporting characters you can draw interesting combinations from to add depth to a story of the week).
They could always do a flashback episode next year…
There's probably something about the lack of Native American actors meaning a name like sticks out, but yeah it's still pretty cool
True Detective season 1 ending had a lot of detractors, mostly people who had got so tied to their perspective of the show so when the bad guy wasn't Woody Harrelson, or wasn't all about these elaborate clues they'd "spotted", or wasn't Cthulu they got really annoyed.
Yeah I'd quite happily have them invent another macguffin and just do it all again, perhaps with a few different Legends (although unlike last year everyone feels like they bring something to do the table)
He tried to derail a passenger train to distract Barry didn't he? I think early early Snart was pretty ruthless..
Approx 5' to 6' in one summer between school years. Went from being the shortest to the tallest
Who would it be though? Vigilante was mostly included so we didn't realise Chase was Prometheus. He's been a fun enough obstacle to pop in now and again and the jury is still out on how well he worked as a mirror to Oliver regarding killing.
There is pretty much no-one for Vigilante to be anyways, might as well reveal…
But Hannibal didn't present her with an alive inside out cat..
I can't tell if the actress is pretty good at still making you engage with the crapped on character or if the show is aware she's pretty sympathetic and thus gives moments so it's not all totally mean. Feels like this baby storyline either ends with her coming into her own or being gone…
I think there's a lot going on at the moment too. They gave her some nice moments in the first few episodes (the one where she talks Ollie down in the car in particular) and then just became part of the team. But we're in the back stretch of the season and there's a tonne of stuff to cover…
Definitely, although in this episode I did kinda buy it just cos Oliver hiring the Bratva in steal-able drugs to murder his nemesis was such a bonkers over the top move…
This, a thousand times over. Every week there's an endless discussion where people analyse "clues" in the decor etc to figure out the time period. Except the showrunner has said it's deliberately ambiguous / doesn't matter - so essentially it's like looking for patterns in random numbers
I think it was announced so long ago that you can't keep a sustained level of anticipation - I remember at the point of announcement feeling it was cruel we'd have to wait so long and now it's next month really…
Old people are mean and stop you having fun..
That is just kinda his podcast schtick though (and schtick in general like The Late Show episode he did with Ben Schwartz), I think the guys know it and play along to be fair. He does keep getting booked again on podcasts where I genuinely thought he'd pissed the hosts off, he admittedly just doesn't get booked super…
Yeah and one of the non-originals was a (somewhat) acclaimed song from a famous musical…
I don't tend to notice (although the switch in recording is noticeable), surprising they did that in Flash because I thought the point of the episode was "we have all these great singers in our cast, lets use them")
Here it's kinda fair enough if some of the leads don't have great voices, makes sense the small…
I'm intrigued at how Leanord Snart's hair colour is doing a Benjamin Button
I like that they didn't feel the need to point out all the Lord of the Rings stuff. Legends season 1 would've kept cutting to Tolkien making thinking faces after every moment and reference and then have him sign off with some sort of "I'm going to use all this in a book guys!" speech. I think it speaks a lot to how…