
This came out when I was 8, and I was one of those hold outs that refused to watch it because it was popular (in hindsight I missed out on a lot of good media with that attitude, but try telling that to an eight year old). Anyway, our teacher used to bribe us into good behaviour with magazine and calendar pictures of

Ive only seen part of season two but so far I would say: It doesn't take itself too seriously. It's fun. I care about what happens to the characters and I don't get bored during the episodes. It avoids a fair number of easy stereotypes and it has a decent cast and a catchy theme song. None of the episodes make me feel

Alternatively, if y'all are lucky enough to get these monsters out after four years, the incoming party will somehow be responsible for their predecessors failings. You know, like how 9/11 was Obama's fault.

The thing that particularly bewilders me about this (apart from, you know, everything) is that if trans people are forced to use the bathroom corresponding with their assigned gender rather than their actual identity, trans men would be compelled to use the ladies, which means that cis men inclined to use the trans

Wouldn't be surprised if he's also the poster boy for Dunning Kruger. Especially having surrounded himself with yes-men for his entire life, he probably mistakenly believed that the presidency was an easy gig, that the first idiot thoughts to fall out of his thick head would fix all the world's problems, and that

Man, these questions are so blatant and terrible that for a second I thought you were a trumptroll asking that of the avclub readers seriously, rather than a normal person merely quoting a real actual survey that presumably someone somewhere believes is in some way legitimate.

I think that depends a lot on the individuals coping mechanisms. I mean, yes, there are people's treating this whole nightmare mainly as a source of comedy (people, I reckon, who are disgusted but not immediately threatened by Recent Events), but on the flip side there's also "I have to mock this or I'll be paralyzed

Yeah, mixing up the very similar titles of two movies that are also notable for being different from the usual film demographics is nbd, but notpologizing for it is so annoying that it retroactively makes me annoyed over the initial error.

I think such an extension would be less effective for your racist wingnut* uncle, and more effective for you slightly conservative aunt who, in skimming her Facebook feed, sees the headline of an article shared by your wingnut uncle, and thinks "liberals want to make it legal to sell babies for rich people food? Tsk.

I did not know this, and will keep it in mind if I ever get roped into another game :)

My experience with CAH is that I end up stuck with a set of cards, half of which reference things I don't understand (usually pop culture stuff; I won't deny being out of touch) and half of which I can only play in banal, obvious ways or ways that don't even make coherent sense (and I say that as someone whose sense

The line with lines going through it in the possibly unsolvable puzzle thing is old Irish writing. No idea what it says though

I know loads of people who have no air conditioning and choose summer activities based on its presence. If you live somewhere that only gets uncomfortably hot for a few weeks per year, if at all, AC units are unlikely to make it to the top of the investment priorities list. Mind you, at current prices I suppose

True, I did exclude some obvious "i watched it so you don't have to" and other hate-watching type reviews for the more well known films. But that's a surprisingly small percentage of the industry's output (or. not surprising, suppose, given how unappealing the films generally are). Most of these things are huge in

I actually conducted a whole study on this genre (and online discussion thereof) for a class paper, in order to answer the question "who the heck is watching this shit?" The answer, more or less, was "people who agree with the theology, and no one else". Even for the super popular movies, you'd get certain groups of

oops, duplicate post, stupid internet

I think it's a bit silly to say "the only good reason to quit a show is if it's shitty". I don't see why anyone should feel obligated to keep watching something indefinitely if a fave dying means the charm is gone for them, even if the show is still "objectively" good.

I hadn't really been keeping up with the show since early season 2, and I still felt disproportionately slighted when I noticed the Distinct Lack of Athelstan in promo posters the other week and googled frantically for tragic spoilers. So I feel you.

I'm pretty surprised that hasn't been mentioned more, given the unusually dramatic degree to which people ragequit Torchwood after that. In my case, I went into S3 in the spirit of giving them a chance to replace Owen and Tosh with characters I liked just as much, but no! The latter two seasons are tonally so