Steve Bradley

The two felonies she's being charged with are participating in a riot and inciting others in a riot. She probably won't be convicted of either of these charges because the Durham police were right there filming the whole thing, so it's going to be incredibly hard to prove any of that (she's still on a $10k bond right

We can never be friends.

God, Marvel apparently barely pays attention to trade reading habits.

Well, most of the industry has for the most part (at least in terms of number of publishers who do things like account for collected editions whether it be through sales numbers or how they compensate their creators), but the big problem is that Marvel and DC really don't and frustrating don't seem to care at all, but

It wasn't just martial arts but that the entire backstory of Iron Fist borrows heavily from Chinese myth (for instance, K'un L'un isn't something the creators of Iron Fist made from whole cloth). So, the whole appropriation goes a good bit deeper than just Danny Rand being white.

Well, that ignores that people have been leveling this specific critique against Iron Fist since the '70s.

I was going to say after reading, the distinction between Milo and Anne Coulter, is that Milo has actually done damage to people, whereas Coulter is really just seen as a set piece, which shows the dichotomy the right is willing to draw. Milo white maleness is paramount over everything and there's no real pushback

Except why was he even given a platform in the first place? He's able to "incite" people because too many universities across the country conflate free speech with equal speech. That because someone like Milo can say something that he should be given a platform since "you have to here both sides" (which is patently

The difference is that McCarthy was going to fuck over people regardless of whether the general public knew he was or not. On top of that, the basic access to McCarthy's beliefs and policy were not readily available to the general public. So, Murrow debating or exposing or just informing on McCarthy was relatively

Also, Dark Phoenix Saga was the easiest access point to the X-Men at that point, which is also Dazzler's debut. So, it's likely to assume she just joined the X-Men after that (which I mean, she eventually did). But yeah, I think that game was one of the reasons Dazzler has a relatively large fan base now.

We're assuming that Wyoming school is being run by bears now, right?

With Suicide Squad, I've seen a lot of "it wasn't the worst movie in the world" as a sort of thumbs up kind of review. Which is such a weird kind of circular logic.

I was reading that he might have been aiming for the autistic man (he fired three shots, so the question of intent is sure as hell there) BUT the North Miami PD has been so frustratingly unspecific with the information they've doled out that who really knows what happened with the cop outside of shooting an unarmed

TBS kind of made it impossible for anyone not to be familiar with its various tropes. I don't even really like the movie and I'm pretty sure I've never seen it in one sitting but hell if I don't know every piece of it by this point.

What I find great about Linda and it really came across in this episode is that she once she commits to something, she can't not commit to the fullest possible extent. She accepts Bob's premise that the whole magazine thing is a scam but instead of taking Bob's route and just sending the girl on her way, Linda goes