
They should've given Star Diplomacy more of a chance to work before resorting to war.


I just assumed you wanted a Holy Trinity.

Blue Planet 2: Blue Planeter

I just blue myself.

What *are* thetans? We just don't know.

Judging from the big church in the background of the parade scenes, at least some (if not all) of it was shot in the capital city of Reykjavik—which has some areas with a really small-town feel.

I'm not optimistic that it won't end up a mess like the fourth season… but I hope they don't take "wasn't optimistic that it wouldn't end up a mess like the fourth season" for an answer.

Dear FCC:

"The problem, of course, is that you'll end up aging far more rapidly compared to everyone else, but on the flip side everyone will think you're some kind of genius for being able to cram 48 hours worth of life and work into 24."

And yet, they still asked him to join Hero Squad…

Why must it be one or the other? Some documentaries by Burns I've watched because I was already interested in the subject, but with others it was because I knew he'd be able to pull me in and get me interested in a subject I hadn't given too much thought to before.

The stars at night are big and bright…