Bee Cee

I really doubt Jennifer is alive. That pill scene seemed pretty final, but of course we can't be sure.
You know who I hope is there to greet Maddie? Nolan's wife. That would be some good drama ;)

The idea of a less advanced group reverse engineering something way ahead of them is a fun trope in science fiction! I just think that the Raps would have thought of that and planned ahead for it, you know? Their invasion took decades to come to fruition so I just don't buy that this could be their Achilles Heel.

I see your point that "total rendition" might be more execution than imprisonment. I also got the WWII vibe when I saw they dressed all those extras in the evacuation scene in drabbest colors they could find. It was striking because it matched some dreary Eastern European city in winter much more than Southern

I also streamed that way and don't believe that scene was included unless it was really, really fast and I just missed it.