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    Is that creature the one named Lash, or could that possibly be Jemma?

    I've learned that almost no one ever stops believing in the devil. Especially is that devil can speak for themselves and vote. I know that people who disagree with me aren't monsters or Neanderthals or stupid.
    Maybe someday you won't see the devil anymore, just millions of people who vote in different primary or wrote

    I'm thinking of a word. It rhymes with Shmavenders.

    I have to wonder about the DVD's & Blu-Ray's role in prolonging the life of Blockbuster, and vice-versa. What about the DVD's role in the rise of Amazon, Redbox, & Netflix? What does the fall of DVDs mean for them?

    2 films I was waiting to get mentioned: Unfriended & Minority Report.
    Unfriended is told completely through a computer screen. Minority Report integrates projected screens & visions into the environment.
    IMO, these 2 films were successful partly because they treated digital technology like paper or radio signals, a

    The current media landscape is so different than when L&O started in 1990. In the 80's & 90's, media about true crime & the law profession become extremely popular. L&O started at the perfect moment with the OJ Simpson case and CourtTV starting in the early 90's. L&O and CSI then thrived in the 2000's when public

    I think Avatar: The Last Airbender & Legend of Korra, and even Adventure Time are the prominent modern works of science fantasy on television.

    Agreed. They should have put a *woop-woop ching* sound effect after GameStop.
    Although there is something to be said for GameStop to have lasted this long as the dominant specialty video game chain when so many rivals have gone out of business in the face of competition from the big box stores & the internet, the

    I would add Clay Shirky, Thomas Sowell, Maya Angelou, David Crystal, and my favorite writer Joseph Epstein.