Mark Nagy

That's quite a high bar…

I'd watch it.

"His" song, lol.

and potato chips are so thin and salty as a way to get Cornelius Vanderbilt to stop being such a jerk

But he wants Gloria to do other work instead.

I was pretty certain that it was at the time, and given his appearance in this season, I'm even more sure that Mr. Wrench is the centerpiece of the Fargo universe.

No, that's Kierkegaard being angry that the local papers would constantly make fun of him for being a loon. I love Kierkegaard, and would consider myself an adherent to his way of thinking about the world, but his comments on the press were more personal than philosophical.

There's something in the contrast of Chuck's inability to operate his own batteries being a crucial flaw, and Mike having such expertise with draining his tracker.

Vile Village might be my favorite of the whole series.

Ohhh man the first Count Omar reference… :( By books 5-8 the show does a pretty great job of intertwining enough of the rest of the worldbuilding that's taking place that I think it will feel a lot less repetitive. Books 9-12 will be absolutely outstanding and I have utterly no idea what Netflix will do with "The End"

Well, usually you mess with the timing because something is lost in a strictly chronological telling of a story. What's important about this season and Dolores/William is that Dolores gets all the way home, and back to the maze, but William pulls her away. Now he's realized that was a mistake and he's going back. You

Abrams didn't touch Lost after about the 6th episode, lol.

Yup, I'm right there with you. They'll have done a great job distracting from the second twist with all the speculation around the first.

The board was able to get some data out, but then Ford was able to find out (with help), the board obviously had no idea Bernard was a host, and I don't think they necessarily expected her to die. My expectation though, is that they figured it was a possibility when they tried to steal the data.

It seems more likely that Ben's survival is connected to the Abbies disappearing at the end of the episode. I think part of their evolution will be seeking out a leader, and Ben is being taken to the rudimentary Abby civilization. Remember, they're former humans, and we still know so little about them, it's possible

No YOU are

I don't know what exactly you think a story is, but I think you have it confused with "setting." Story is questions like, "Will human nature damn human survival" or "How can secrets tear a family apart."