
Hence why this thread is so sparse right now. No one can log in.

No they definitely can. It's just going to be hell. That's going to be monitoring most of the state's border. So a lot is going to get through, especially through the Nevada desert and I'm sure the various border Indian reservations.

In relation to the Simpsons, turns out they were right again. At least it hopefully means that Lisa Simpson will be our next president after this is all over.

Is there any way you could avoid going to Florida? Honestly it's a good question for anyone.

George was right about a lot of things honestly. Can we just not have a president, and use his writings as guidance for what we should do?

Ha I'm already doing that. I've been saying "him". Because I refuse to say his name.

He's dreamy.

I plan on spending the weekend watching Morghim play Dishonored and completely zoning out.

Idaho now has 3 of its 6 border states offering legal marijuana. Enjoy policing that, haha!

Went to get a coffee on the drive to work this morning and the Starbucks barista commiserated with me for a bit. He felt that there should be a national "come down" holiday the day after elections. I agree.

Father John Misty I Love You, Honeybear

Seriously! I need my comment history, you bastards! On the other hand, I'm really glad I registered this screen name here two years ago before someone else could take it.

On the drive to work, I flipped over to the classic rock station and it was playing ELO's "Don't Bring Me Down". Seemed fitting.

I'm going to be starting in on my cellar aged beers. I have a Woodland Empire Cozy Up milk stout from 2014 that is waiting for me.

Wait, can we throw out the election and just elect Paul Rudd instead? I think we could all get behind that.

You keep on keeping on. It's all any of us can do.

Yeah my 401k is going to be so fucked.

We'll go to the Winchester, have a pint, and wait for this whole thing to blow over.

Good luck, Gumbercules!

Honestly, I hate that group the most. I'm already surrounded by women who are completely fine with being treated as second-class status and defer to their husbands and other men for everything. The kind of women who defeated the ERA are still here unfortunately. It hurts my soul.