
Y'all should have just let only women and minorities vote this time around. You know, to make it up to us for all those years you wouldn't let us.

Morghim is already contacting his Canadian colleagues to get the ball rolling for a sponsorship and employment.

Stop this planet of the apes, I want to get off.

Yes this. The winner-take-all system severely disenfranchises certain populations in states. I mean, in that case, Washington and Oregon would both split red and blue (since the eastern portions are rural). I would love that in Idaho, because District 1 would definitely go blue, having the most populous counties,

The value of the peso is basically crashing right now, so that might be a smart move if you don't have a lot of cash.

When Stephen started talking about his mom, I started to cry.

I didn't want to come into work because I can guarantee nearly all of my co-workers voted for Trump. I've had my ipod and headphones going for 2 straight hours. Only 6 more to go!

You always have the right quote, A7X Fan.

The combination of her being hated and being a woman certainly didn't help. Sigh.

First off, ugh I had to use my Disqus account to log in because the AV Club's login stopped working for me yesterday morning.

Are you guys a klezmer band?

From the wikipedia article on the Bill of Rights: "The amendment is one of the least controversial of the Constitution, and, as of 2012, has never been the primary basis of a Supreme Court decision." It's high time we started agitating about this amendment, man!

*culturally Catholic high-five*

Yeah I've got a sentimental affection for it. Reminds me of high school.

Fleet Foxes - "Blue Ridge Mountains"
Jimmy Eat World - "Night Drive"
Death Cab for Cutie - "Steadier Footing"
Bright Eyes - "Lua"
Glen Hansard - "Maybe Not Tonight"

Haha, I found my old guest account that I used to post under on that thread: Barnaby Jones.

I love that one but I can only ever find it at scoop shops, never in stores anymore.

My only complaint about the Greek Frozen Yogurt is that it takes forever to thaw out.

Woo, Decemberists EPs!

Foxes are cool until they make their den in your backyard and then the kits (which I admit is the cutest name for a baby anything ever) make screaming cat noises all night while their parents are away hunting.