
Melville's. And after eating there I'd go down to the bar to hang out with Sam, Frasier, Norm, Cliff, and the rest of the gang.

Norway executed a hell of alot more people (and deservedly so) than just Quisling.

"Nice dress, Ryan."

Another great Australian crime film is "Noise." It's on Netflix and it takes a very different and intriguing take on the life of a cop in the aftermath of a mass shooting. Highly recommend it.

"I have some standards." No, hon. If you write for Cracked, you don't have any standards.

I'm surprised Clive Owen is not on this list. I definitely had him pegged for A-list stardom a few years back.

"…all while doing the movie equivalent of scratching his balls."

Oh how I miss my old book of Top 10 lists. Filled with jokes about Joey Buttafuco and John Sununu, and Westinghouse.

Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, and Kelsey Grammer? Yes, fucking, please!

It will also include a segment where he talks about how nerds are being "persecuted" and an inspirational speech to children to celebrate their nerdiness. Then the audience will vomit on him.

Wow, I wish I hadn't come back to read this old review. NR better than Cheers? Son, you need to mosey on over to Netflix and marathon some Cheers episodes.

I remember one of the soldiers in the book saying something like while Winters led Easy Company, Sobel MADE Easy Company. I thought the episode did a great job of displaying that.

I knew this was coming and so glad it did. This is how I will remember the series ending.

"I hope you don’t mind the occasional comment about how season two was better."

His takedown of this finale is one of his best pieces.

An OK season but too many times during this season I was having flashbacks to Randal's rant about Lord of The Rings in Clerks II.

That freakish guy from the original Stargate movie was pretty horrible as well.

I think we are missing the biggest one…

Loved his death scene with Denis Leary!

I would find the show more interesting if it introduced a new place. Rural Georgia is getting pretty old and seeing some of them head off to a city or a large, organized resistance would be good.