Justin F.

I think what is annoying (or good depending on your viewpoint) is that to me it seems that it is all set up to be ambiguous. This ending really is similar to The Sound of My Voice. You can argue for both sides but there is no "right answer."

So was Portia just messing with Elliot in Ep 8? She didn't seem to care anymore about his lying about cancer these episodes.

To me it definitely seemed like he was just trying to get information out of Elliot by being like…receptive. I don't think he ever actually had plans to do anything with him.

Yeah….and if it does return for a season two, what would it even be about? A trial? XD

I thought these two episodes were better than many that came before, but I still didnt really like them that much. The best part by far was Portia "acting" to Elliot with the story about her dad. Idk if she was telling the truth or not, but it was a great scene for the real actress playing Portia.
Elliot is still


I really want to like this, but so far I don't. I'm definitely going to watch the entire season (series?) but the first two episodes were not very funny to me. The sort-of mystery is the only thing keeping me somewhat intrigued. I love Alia, though…

Search Party review link doesn't work?

There is no reason for it necessarily, but I just really don't like this actor.

I am guessing they meant Paul?

haah jut realized that XD. I hadnt read the bullets

Was the guy grabbing the cans at the end of the Ex segment the dad from the earlier episode?

I was referring to media portrayals, I guess. A ton of shows and movies when I was growing up would have a bully or something, and at some point when we learned more about the character, we would see that their dad was awful to them and they were like, just continuing that cycle of cruelty. Or they were poor, or

Yeah, who was kenny dating?

"For every troll that spits venom online because they hate themselves, there’s one that relishes being anonymously harmful to others."

I think Tears of a Clooney is one of the best episdoes too, and that is season one if I am not mistaken….the whole show is pretty great.

So excited!

New season in November according to the internet! (6 episodes only though)

It says your comment was 9 months ago, and it is September now….so I am not sure if that means you watched the episode last Christmas you are waiting all of 2016 and still haven't seen it??

I thought the scene was meant to show the difference in media attention/frenzy surrounding Andrea's murder (a rich white girl) vs an unnamed black girl.