Edgar Allan Bro

Your argument became void around the time you said 'Skullcandy'.

Kate Beckinsale: simultaneously so hot and so terrible at career choices

The White Stripes are one of those bands who seem to be able to bore me with the mere mention of their name.

Splain how!

What's it like being so wrong about so many things?

Dayal Patterson's recent 'Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult' was a far, far better book. More engaging (and objective) writing, far more interesting interviews, a broader scope (both pre- and post-2nd wave and looking at scenes outside Norway) and much better researched.

Another song that is strangely popular in Australia? American Pie.

No time for love, Quincy Jones!

This list should be renamed 'hipster music for actual hipsters, not just the people that old folks call hipsters'

I am on your side.

I'd much rather he stuck around and made boring, shitty records for another 20 years.

I'd forgotten how much I used to like that band that was like Rage Against The Machine but without someone who could play guitar or write songs.

—the internet, 2015

holy shit.



Cassandra Clare like money oolyambwooba Yahn Chass Solo chung wookie!

I still have a soft spot in my heart for Unspecial Ando.

Little lesson here, Madison - you come at the baking, you best not miss.

Hm. It's the first of April here.