Vicky Chang

Getting punched out in the BOXING GYM made no sense! Worthless scene to me. Like Rip Torn on The Larry Sanders Show, old guy Lynch really delivers. Ditto Garry Marshall.

I'm surprised posters are complaining about Pamela. I love the show Louie CK writes, but I am still not understanding why Louie is the dullest comic imaginable off-stage. I mean, he barely says much at all. And yet, it's still good.

The character of Louie's ex-wife seems to me like a woman who would have rejected Louie's advances back when. No knock against the actress, but I have not seen any chemistry written into any of their scenes. Anyone else think similar? I just dont 'buy' her.

So the Todd Barry scene right after the Pinocchio joke makes me wonder how Todd Barry has a career—-he is a nasty friend for making fun of louie's kids—-not b/c it's not happy talk - but b/c Barry is useless as a person Louie should confide in "YOUR KIDS SUCK, I HATE YOUR KIDS, and RIPPED UP PICTURES OF THEM" Assuming

"The prevailing debate about Louie in my house revolves around how much of season four is taking place inside Louie’s head." Yeah, that or it's one of those dragged out Tony Soprano dreams - the most plot killing slow part of the show. HATED the garbagemen! Where is the BROTHER LOUIE theme in Season 4? Why the hell

So just where was Brienne intending to take Arya?

Any Jason & The Argonauts fans? These skellies weren't as brittle

A+ all the way. The Hound and Tywin deliver great lines with equally great speaking voices and I will miss both. Easiest loss to take was Jojen Reed. Wish the writers had put some words in Jon Snow's mouth - his strong, silent type had the perfect excuse to finally make a good speech to Tormund about love.

put some in a small amount like Walter White blowing up Tuco's clubhouse. Your mileage may vary

Allister proves the old angry guy delivers the best lines. I am flashing on Greatjon Umber mocking "some flowery seat in the South". Aw, forgive a link. We need a King in the North speech and only old, tough guys deliver:

Castle Black was breached like a tissue box. Ygritte walks up a dirt hill and can easily see the defenses inside? Who built this? - the same army corps of incompetents who built the Katrina floodwalls?
Did we need so much screen time for Janos Slynt as the coward of the battle?
When the the men of the Nights watch

And who the hell is Joan to act superior - she fucked her way into a partnership. Perhaps she and Bob Benson could walk into an empty elevator shaft. I need a laugh.

No discussion of WHY the savvy Don Draper would give up wihout compnesation a VERY LARGE AMOUNT of moolah by agreeing his partneship would be ABSORBED (STARTREK TOS). He could take a pile of money and start his own agency! Sonia, really, you should not be doing these reviews if youre gonna shill your other bullshit.

Bob Benson is a hideous piece of shit character who shouldve never been heard from again after Pete crashed the Camaro in Detroit. The actors utter the words "Bob BENson" like a vaudeville comics saying words with "P"s are funny - "Petunia, Pa-tooey…"

No one mentioned how wonderful it would've been if Shosh had beaten Marnie into bloody ugliness and stuffed her half alive into the eiffel tower fridge. Extra points if she mopped up the blood with a purple NYU t-shirt, straightened up her apartment then lept out the window only to find it wasnt high enough off the

Chuck's dad left him again??


As Larry might say, "Have ya heard of email, honey - perhaps a telephone?? We dont give a fig about fiddlesticks"

I trust Larry David's judgment about his show, except when it comes to casting Richard Kind. This lump of no talent manflesh makes smaller lump Jerry O'Connell look like Brando. The reviewer of the show is a close second; she writes as though she just realized Larry is a loose cannon. The "don" angle is drivel.

Hilarious - loved how Larry contorted himself to make out with denise in her wheelchair. Cringey-good! A episode, no question