Vicky Chang

is this Matthew McConaughey the one I enjoyed in the little seen black comedy 'Killer Joe'?

Why is this reviewer asking "What is the point of Girls, anyway?" What was the point of Curb Your Enthusiasm?" Like Larry David, we see Hannah as the careening personality who's physically ugly, yet not a shrinking violet. She's quick to get into people's faces, sulk about it (poor me, poor me), and bounce back for

Heh - gloves? If you knew how many hands touched your food and utensils, you'd never eat out.

So I just finished episode 13 in December 2013. I am wondering is releasing all episodes at once really misses having everyone on the same page so to speak, when series eps are aired one week at a time. About Peter Russo, there seems to be an HBO formula where series (Boardwalk, GoThrones, etc) kill off popular

Did Russo have sex with Rachel or only get drunk with her? I expected him to eventually recognize her. Surprised Peter didn't.

Speaking of inconsistencies, Peter feared a mere DUI charge so owed Frank for his help. Peter delivered repayment when he got the crackpot to lie. Yet apparently Peter not only still owes Frank, but is perpetually enslaved to him even giving up 12,000 jobs that is more important that any other issue in Peter's

And can someone tell me why Peter Russo so feared being caught for a lousy DUI that he threw away the shipyard and alll that meant and then admitted to to far more scurrilous drug debauchery that pales in comparison to a DUI and just getting a pretty gal home?

Wow, am I the only one who didn't get that Claire was sabotaging Frank? I figured Claire was using a subtle approach in her pitch to to the two on-the-fence representatives. She did say if the present bill dies, they can try again with a bill that (paraphrasing) even less likely to pass. Then, "but of course, you

wow - thx.

sounds like a college town where graduates do not leave - that's how Berkeley was described to me.

Just had a thought that DJ Davis is not unlike The Newsroom's Will McAvoy. Both deliver their show's speeches. Has this become an HBO trope?

What the heck does this sentence mean - what is a "shipper"other than a worker who packs and mails things?
"(Shippers will be pleased to learn that, some two-and-a-half years after John Goodman’s novelist/YouTube-star character took his long walk off a short ferry…"

Anyone catch Nucky's lie to Willie when he asked if Nucky would have shot Eli?

I've been wondering why Eli wouldn't feed tall tales to his handlers rather than legit tips. With the mafia being denied by Hoover (right through the 1960s), Eli was the FBI's only source of hard information. I can't believe we'll see a repeat of Eli vs Nucky, so I am guessing Eli will pull out at the last possible

What a 'face' to wake up to!
This new layout is as welcome as the grim visage of a thuggie.

Any comments on Chalky's epic fail of an assassination? I expected him to use Richard, who he took pains to introduce to his men. Then he does this sloppy assault on Narcisse's place and like a hat trick of fail, fails to march inside and injectify lead into Narcisse up close and personal. The whole hotheaded method

Please clue me in whether Nucky REALLY did agree to deliver Chalky to Narcisse.
Also, why would Chalky hide when he has an army of men - and owns the club he could have encircled with their protection?

Frankenheimer(?) fired a gun behind Rock to capture his reaction on seeing his new face in the mirror.

What would Quentin Tarantino say?

OK, I'll buy that. thx!