
I agree, Alana, that a monopoly on violence does not necessarily force the state to kill. However, this is only true when the party with monopoly on violence has the means to imprison offenders as an alternative to execution; imprisonment is itself an expression of the monopolization of violence.

Agree completely. I feel like nobody hates TWD more than AV Club

The state's monopoly on violence is at the core of it's power; it's why polities that want to remain stable must quash any internal attempt at organizing a force that can threaten the state's supremacy, or else end up like Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Colombia, etc.,

Yes! Thank you, I believe that's where Zack is confused.

Yes! Thanks, that's exactly what I was getting at.

Ha ha, I'll give you that, but I would say Alexandria is the most likely place to find the stability required to put together things like (MINOR COMIC BOOK SPOILER ALERT) a machinist shop to produce necessary materials, and all the training materials in the world are out there. My brother is a machinist and has

Sorry, what is the reviewer referring to in the stray observations with:
Sasha uses a silencer while shooting up pictures. Wouldn’t you want to conserve those? Does someone in town know how to make them?
Maybe I'm ignorant, but I don't believe that silencers (suppressors) wear down that quickly. Also, they can be made