
this is quite an enjoyable gimmick

Ted is just the worst

there was an episode earlier in the season (or maybe the 8th), that dealt specifically with Robin not being able to make any female friends

Justin Timberlake, regardless of his technical skill or acting range, has a lot of charisma as a screen presence. i really enjoyed his performance in The Social Network, and he was pretty good in Inside Llewyn Davis as well. Marky Mark is just…sort of there. he's been in many great movies, but they're good in spite

gee, gosh, what the heck could make you say something so mean? we'll make it dontcha know

i have absolutely no problem in suspending disbelief. in fact, i think movies/tv work better dramatically with some leaps in logic, but come on, this is just too much

i like the coldness in her voice because it matches with the indifference and apathy in the lyrics. she's not exactly singing about making goo-goo eyes at a cute guy in a club with her bff's

This feature sucks. It seems like all it is, is a bunch of unknown musicians hating on popular songs and artists in a way that makes them come off as jealous and a little bitter.

as much as i loved the first 3 seasons, most of season 4 and all of this one has been squarely in B-/C territory for me. the laughs just aren't there

decent episode overall, but i snorted and almost turned the show off when i heard Maggie talking about SHOOTING DOWN A CONCRETE CEILING WITH A FEW BULLETS.


2 Fast 2 Snoopy

i don't understand Zack Handlen's aversion towards Daryl and Beth having romantic feelings towards each other. it's the end of the world, people are dying left and right, and you could die at any second. wouldn't it make PERFECT sense that a girl like Beth, young, vulnerable, having lost almost all her family, to want

the quality of the movie aside, Drive was just marketed poorly. same happened to The Grey. people thought they were in for 2 hours of Liam Neeson punching wolves in the face with broken alcohol bottles, when in actuality it was a slower, more thoughtful and melancholy film than what was advertised. Drive, exact same

AVC seems to have a penchant for choosing really awkward or just plain boring/unrelated pictures for pretty much all their articles and reviews

The Last Airbender made $130M. it also has a 6% on rotten tomatoes and everyone who watched it hated it

"American" love affair with cars? I would wager that the majority of males (and a lot of females), in most parts of the world love cars. they're brilliantly engineered machines that give you freedom of movement and a sense of speed and power you won't get on your two feet or a hipster fixie bike. then there's the

I like this movie, but i don't think it's a deep, profound work of art. it's a pretty entertaining thriller, no more no less

hipsters aren't people dammit!

The internet