
Damn, that sucks. I've only ever seen him as Carrie's dad in Homeland, and I thought he was great in that role, playing a level-headed man trying to straighten out his messed up daughter. RIP good sir

2 Star 2 Wars

The Steve Jobs autobiography by Walter Isaacson portrays him as a misanthropic, manipulative asshole…which is apparently how Steve Jobs wanted it to be. Seems like something perfectly up Fincher's alley

At the risk of angering super fans of this show (disclaimer: i used to be one), this looks really, really gimmicky. granted, Community can usually make gimmicks work but this seems a bit over the top even for this show. seems like it hews a bit too close to the all-time classic Modern Warfare episode

I'm cautiously optimistic for Fantastic Four because it has a promising director and a solid cast. As for Wolverine sequel, gonna have to wait and see. I thought "The Wolverine" was decent enough but there was nothing particularly memorable about it, other than its unique setting and that awesome bullet train fight.

Iron Man, Thor and Captain America were all but unknown to non-comic readers before the movies gave them mass exposure.

2 Four 2 Fantastic

Great episode, Keri Russell was more fantastic than usual. that scene where she's trying to seduce Brad in the hotel room, and has a little breakdown, so much going on there. not only is she putting on the damsel in distress act to lure Brad into helping her, but there's also some residual trauma over getting raped by

A- seems about right. every episode this season has been pretty great so far

You know what YA book i'd like to see made into movies? Artemis Fowl. that book and its sequels were some TIGHT shit, man. with the right cast and director, they could make for some rip-roaring cinematic fun

Nick Pizzolatto, the creator of True Detective, mentioned in a recent interview that HBO expects a certain amount of nudity in their shows. in short, if it's a HBO show, there WILL be boobs in it.

isn't that the where Crayak turns Rachel into some 50 foot tall cyborg warrior? that was some crazy shit

that one is easily one of my favourites

great episode. not as good as the last one, but that was Arrow at the top of its game and i understand that we can't have that all the time. i'm glad that Diggle finally got a chance to do something, David Ramsey was great in this episode. i actually really enjoyed all his scenes with Deadshot. i really like the actor

Raylan's conversation with the two prostitutes about Dewey cracked me up. Dewey Crowe is the Podrick Payne of Harlan County

I laughed out loud at that too. Damon Herriman killed it in all of his scenes

i loved these books as kids, and i recently read them as an adult to see how they hold up. the prose is kinda shitty, the characters for the first 20-30 books are pretty vague, and the series is just EXTREMELY 1990s (i.e. pop culture references that became dated in 2000 but surprisingly endearing in a nostalgic way).

so you are forcing yourself to watch a show you find boring? i think it's your common sense that might be tepid here.

Each chapter of each of the last 2 books will be a trilogy of its own. 2017 will bring us Bran: An Unnecessary Journey, Bran: The Desolation of Necessity and Bran: 2 George 2 Martin

wow look at all these new, insightful critiques of Coldplay that have literally never been made before!