
If we HAVE to have these "dark, gritty" reimaginings of classic fairy tales, I wish more aueteurs would take on the task. I for one would love to see Darren Aronofksy do one of these adaptations, hopefully with lots of ass-to-ass action and disturbing psychosexual melodrama

2 Frozen 2 Let it Go

Yes, I agree

actually, this time they ARE rocks…

i literally don't know a single person in real life who watch or have even heard of this show. thank god

facile and boring sub-Jezebel shit is this particular author's forte

that's a little tame for anything pertaining to Hannibal.

He really only has 3 years before Winds of Winter. 2014 will be the 2nd half of Storm of Swords, and i bet that Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons only cover 2 seasons. Benioff and Weiss are smart show runners and know that stretching out every plot point in those 2 books would be tedious, boring and overlong. so

2 Ice 2 Fire: Westeros Drift

still a better love story than Twilight

she has a pretty decent gig on Justified right now. she should stick to TV dramas

I nitpick and hate on this show a LOT, and i still thought this episode was the best the show has had season last season's "Clear". It seems like the reviewer was so bothered and unsettled by the content that he decided to lower the grade based on his personal emotions rather than the merits of the episode itself. and

why not throw in Dylan McDermott so we can have Three's Company crossed with Orphan Black?

I saw the same poster, and I thought it was a spin-off of "Scandal" or something. Which made sense because that show has achieved a critical mass of insanity and needs a sister show to offload some of its craziness

And here I was, thinking that the AV Club offices and staff looked like those in Mad Men's Sterling Cooper. Silly me

This comment was funnier and more entertaining than the last 3 seasons of Modern Family.

Agent Bollocks McCigarettes

It is absolutely befuddling that network television will allow the goriest, most disturbing imagery possible, but any kind of nudity is a total no-no. I guess boobs and asses are much worse than a woman being impaled through and through with antlers or a couple of people having the skin and flesh flayed off their

Holy shit can we please get rid of fucking Charlie, Quinn, Huck and James? in fact, the show would be much better if it just focused on Mellie, David Rosen and Rowan Pope.