
Please, explain.

Uh, the article is about a loon going off on GOP in that exact same manner. Stupidly, I might add.

Oh-kay. Sure. Is this some kind of new trutherism?

You win.

Nice canned non-response.

People being investigated by the FBI should be stripped of their rights, but even though the FBI is investigating Hillary, let's give her control of the military.

What utter nonsense. First of all, the description "far left" should have been placed in front of Think Progress and quotes should have been placed around "journalist". Also there are a million people on the Terror watch list. A secret list. Not surprisingly this left wing lunatic wants to rob people of due process-

I kind of do too.

Like Bert and Ernie.

This piss poor attempt to defend the indefensible has rekindled my displeasure with these awful movies. Good job, dude.

He was good in Shattered Glass.

Other than that.

RedLetterMedia nails it.

I had low expectations going in and those movies fell shockingly short of expectations.

It depends what is politically convenient at the moment for progressives/media.

Heh. Yeah.


I was expecting M. Night to kind of follow the path of Spike Lee where he had success as a writer/director early on followed by some bombs and then finding success again directing others screen plays.

The last of his doorstops I read was Insomnia. Since then I became more discerning. Read Bag of Bones, those two Regulator books(?), Dreamcatcher, the phone zombie one. Aside from a few fun scenes, they were all bad. I laughed out loud when I picked up Under the Dome and read the flap.

He's been unreadable for years, but still every time I see something by King I get a little interested.