
If you don't see anything wrong with paying homeless people to start violence at Trump campaigns so the media will cover it as if Trump supporters are inherently violent, then you are part of the problem. If you have to manufacture hatred and bigotry of your opponent, it suggests your ideas don't have merit on their

Like paying homeless people to start fights at Trump rallies? I'm having a hard time feeling repugnant by comparison.

If black males commit 40-50% of homicides, why do liberals think their 30% representation as victims of police homicide is disproportionately high? Doesn't it make sense that the people most involved in homicides would also be more likely to victims of police homicide? When liberals further this false narrative,

Do you also tell people of color when they can and can't be offended. Interesting.

It was kind of more like when Michael Richards (Kramer) started harassing black people in one of his shows and used the N word. That wasn't funny either. I would have walked out, too.

maybe it just wasn't funny.

If a black person tries to explain white privilege to you, they might explain that a white person benefits from their 'whiteness' even though they might not be aware of it. In a similar way, society has been lulled into being complicit in accepting anti-white bigotry - even though they might not be aware of it.

why would you hate all white people based on the actions of one?

So, do you also disparage other races based on what their ancestors did?

Read down the thread.

It's an unconscious thing, meaning you don't even know you're doing it.

Trump won't win this election. But, he'll get closer than he ever should have, not because the country has somehow gotten more bigoted since they elected President Obama 8 years ago, but because the left has become so unconsciously (and successfully) anti-white, many people see Trump as their only defense against it.

takes a little more thought, doesn't it.

I get it. Mock the charge of anti-white bigotry, like it's not a thing. Show me how brave you are by offering up as many towards people of color. I'll grade you.

You're right and I'm wrong. So, we can agree that anyone that heckles at a Trump rally, any Black Lives Matter protests that limit the freedoms of anyone else (Sander's rally, Interstate blocking, etc) or anyone that tries to shutdown an Alt Right discussion - should be removed?

Why are liberals so offended by conservative bigots, but are so comfortable with their own bigotry?

would you feel comfortable commenting negatively on how a crowd of people was predominately brown?

What's your problem with white people?

Another corner stone of democracy - freedom of speech.

So, what you are telling me, is that Hillary was put in charge of the case and enabled a guy she 'knew' was guilty of raping a twelve year old girl that had to be hospitalized get off will only a couple of months in jail. Sounds pretty enably to me.