
If you taped the show rewatch the Glenn Nicholas scene. Listen close, Glenn has fired his last bullet. As he lowers his gun and starts to go for his knife you can distinctly hear two clicks of a gun. It is Nicholas out of bullets. Nicholas can't blow his brains out without bullets. Nicholas in his ptsd moment on top

Nah, the evidence is there, it's presented if you look real close and not far fetched.
My guess is Glenn survives this and dies later in the season :)

Well then you should have stopped watching after Rick's hallucinations of Laurie?
Nicholas imagining his end and then snapping out of his delusions is not that far fetched.
Great show either way ;)

So why do you watch?

Apparently someone picked up on the "two clicks"
Brilliantly stuff.
Glenn lives.

I have yet to see any rules violations. I've never seen the rule book either. Either way I'm cool, just saying it doesn't have to be a loss of credibility for this great show if Glenn is alive.
We don't even really know what happened. Great escapes, flashbacks, imaginations and hallucinations are not uncommon on this

ONE ambiguous scene and and everyone is losing it, silly. He may very well be dead.
And if alive, well I'll trust the creative folks behind this excellent show to make it work.

I must have missed the zombie rules rule book. So many unexplained things happen, Starting with Rick in a coma for weeks and not dying of dehydration, etc, etc., in this show I guess I just learned to let go and trust the creators and writers to just entertain me. I'm cool if Glenn is dead and I will cheer if he

This show has been a good story and manipulating the audience for effect from the start. The two don't have to me mutually exclusive.
Maybe you should stick to watching documentaries.

Haha this is hilarious. The author of this piece and other folks on here p***ed off because Glenn might actually have survived? The show loses credibility if Glenn lives!…. not the way it could have realistically happened!! …. blah!!….blah!!.
Guys, it is a show with zombies in it.