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    If you look at one of the promo photos AMC posted, it has Kim and Jimmy in their office, and you can see (what looks like) Mike's reflection in the ceiling. Don't know that it means the characters will meet this season, but I thought it was interesting.

    I am incredibly happy Better Call Saul was as high up on this list as it was, as it was my favorite show of the year (but I know some people don't like the slow burn of it). But I feel like, in their brief blurb about the show, they forgot to mention that one of the standout performances from the season was Rhea

    I don't know, as another woman who also places a high priority on the work I do (working my way through a Ph.D. program right now), and the place it holds as an integral part of my life, I don't like the idea that she might end up with Danny. At least not at this point in the game. The man who, in pretty explicit

    I see Shakespeare all over this show. In particular a slightly less murderous Richard III. That moment in episode 1 this season when he says something like, "People tell me how they see me, and it's not as a lawyer…" was totally the "I am determined to prove a villain" speech. The whole idea of other people's

    I think that's a great point about the car forcing his hand. I also agree that I think he's going to try to have it both ways in terms of job/con and Kim.