The Daniel

I'm probably not going to stop reading A.V. Club either, but I don't think that necessarily makes us just as responsible for the existence of sponsored content or ads as the corporations that make them all possible to begin with. I don't even click on ads or sponsored content, and yet, like an apparition, they follow

He's right…(your avatar is a picture of a guy so I'm assuming you're a he)…HE'S RIGHT. We all have to stop reading A.V. Club. Sorry bout it.

Otherwise, good review. I'm a fan of A.V Club, except for all the autoplay videos and sponsored content.

"For the record, every site I write for runs ads or publishes sponsored
content (usually both), so I understand it’s just the name of the game
these days. And as readers, we’re all just as responsible for its
existence as the media outlets who publish it."