
I`m actually crying like a kid.

Seems Jo`re Jello.

Hannibal himself, of course, He does that right after hist theremin session.

I`ll see myself out.

And the Hannigram picture with "Patroclus and Aquilles"
Battle-Tested friends.

You sir, are the true Winston or our pack of dogs.

Dou you want potatoes with your Face Meat Stripes?

You`ve won the Internet in my opinion.

Viewer discretion IS advise, though.

They have eaten human flesh before. And i don`t think Will will ever kill an animal, specially not their dogs.

And of course Hannibal speaks Italian.

Except for Winston. He ain`t eat human flesh.

I`m pushing this show to anyone i know.

This. FUCKING. Show.

We all are.

I stand by Wintson.

Surprise "motherfucker"??

Well written? Hardly. Acted? Definitely. Is this insane? AoS is insane.

You`re more right than anyone anywhere ever!

I like to think more in erotic same-gender sensuality. It rings a more artistic bell which is truthful to Hannibal as a whole.