
I can`t say anything else but agreing with you.

Nothing really sexual.

That`s where i heard it. Bravo B99!

I do feel your pain, but the reviewer and the writers post here to discuss this episode. It`s just AV Club`s way.

Don`t throw salt at their wounds!

The actress is really cute!

Don`t talk about Dexter`s finale *LUMBERJACK LUMBERJACK**

It still out-Dexters Dexter any time.

It was different in a so so way. But exploring Will/Hannibal relationship and Hannibal`s plan on getting Will to kill again was good stuff. B.

I`m just on season 2 on AD. No spoilers, please.

ALL of the likes.

I`m quite sure there were worst episodes. But this one has been really so hard to watch.

This is their desing. Hannigram for the masses.

Was that even real?

I logged in to give it one more like.

The review is ON!

It`s probably more on the acting part than on the plot development part.

The Barney reaction to having a kid felt real to me. It has to have some good, right?

For me Dexter will always carry the title.

You just captured my feelings!