
I'd like to thank this list for not including Ross and Monica. The writers of Friends had no idea how to write a brother and sister. The things they would say in front of each other? Those are discussions I would never have with my brother in a million years.

I was just thinking recently that 13 might be my favorite album of all time. And I usually lean more toward Modern Life Is Rubbish-era Blur.

I agree with this SO much. Megan's father was TERRIBLE. I think if it weren't for him poisoning her with his stupid ideals, she would have had a successful and fulfilling career as a copywriter. She would have stood up to Don about letting her enjoy her work and helping out the creative team and had a nice spot

I like Second Coming too. I'm happy to hear he wasn't joking about it in Shaun of the Dead.

? Damon Albarn had already been around long before The Verve broke up.

But what did he do to Joan specifically that made her treat him the way she did? I never understood her hostility toward him.

omg shut up

I wish I could try this. There's an Insomnia Cookies down here in Miami Beach but their delivery zones suck! My boyfriend lives in North Beach but they only deliver in South Beach which is stupid because fuck South Beach. It's so unfair :(

Um, you definitely misunderstood the Rolling Stones thing:

I love you SO much.

OMG SHE WAS VICKY???? My mind is blown.

Can you tell me why it has remained untouched? I've read the comics but can't remember what you're talking about.

OK, are any of you actually Native American?

I binged Sons of Anarchy and noticed the drop in quality. However, I didn't end up hating the show as I know a lot of people who watched it over seven years did.

Hey, I love your photo!

What is the point of this account? Not trying to be snark, i just honestly don't get it. Is it supposed to be funny? And who on Earth has time to look through all the Daily Mail comments to find relevant ones to post here? Is that how it even works? I don't know, I'm so confused.

"Cooks and dishwashers and waitstaff form intense personal bonds, but it’s highly unlikely they’re all sleeping together or caught up in the petty sex dramas of each other’s lives. "

i'm not taylor swift

no, i think you're just looking in a mirror.

I literally signed up for an account just to tell you to shut the fuck up.