
Don't throw away The Rakes, don't do it!!!

I know it's wrong to judge people on their physical appearance…but man, when this many people are commenting on the terribleness of Miles Teller's face, there's no denying that the dude has a terrible face. His success is one of Hollywood's greatest mysteries.

same exact thing happened to me

Not his fault but I really wish he had chosen that moment to walk away from the job. What bothers me the most is that if Suzanne had moved, he would have been able to get off of Poussey ;( The only one to blame here is, as cheesy as it sounds, is the "system."

Caputo is one of my favorite characters because he is so complex. He is a person constantly being pulled in two different directions - sometime he chooses the right side, sometimes he chooses the wrong side (as he did here). I think it is a very realistic portrayal of someone in his type of position. I really do

I feel the same exact way. What makes it even worse is that they're named after a park in my city so they should really stop by and let me see them play.

I have an unhealthy obsession with "This Boy"

i used to talk to the klaxons on myspace. ah, the good ol days.

"I was cringing all through Maritza's flashback con but pleasantly surprised when she pulled it off in the end. Who said she's dumb?"

Gilbert's Resort is a real resort in Key Largo. Might just be him driving past it - I don't think they ever implied that the Gilbert character owns Gilbert's Resort.

I want to like your comment a million times for how correct it is. That's what I love about this show - it's accuracy in not only location but in character attitudes (although I don't think a girl like Meg has ever lived in the Keys). I have met many, many Kevins and Erics down in the Keys.

Rick killed the rest of them through the winnebago remember?

Wrong again. There is no such thing as "Latino physical appearance."

I hope you know that people can be black and Latino (which Zoe is). People can also be white and Latino, as well as somewhere in between and Latino. It's not a complicated concept. You should have learned in elementary school that being Hispanic/Latino has absolutely nothing to do with race, but with country of origin.

please explain your reasoning for that statement.

Man, I was so looking forward to this movie. Love everyone in it. But I did not like it AT ALL. I didn't believe for a second that Alison Brie and Jason Sudeikis' characters were into each other. I thought Sudeikis had a lot better chemistry with Amanda Peet and thought those characters should have ended up together.

Aw, sweetie you must be five years old, arem't you?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the resemblance!

I like this!

OMG me too! I thought I was the only one who hadn't seen them before. I actually got upset when they were both revealed because I was like "why are they introducing new characters NOW???" And then my boyfriend told me that they have been in previous episodes.