Aluminum Monstar

Apparently Header Image Person failed to Spin to Lock It In.

Is it too early to grant Comment of the Year?

Well put. There's a bit of a false equivalency, because there's something to be said for character/patterns of behavior, but there's also no denying personal biases. Thanks for your patience.

I definitely agree with your last paragraph. Motive never excuses destructive action. I'm not trying to defend of condemn her, because I don't know enough about what happened. My frustration is that many people also don't have enough information but condemn or defend anyway.

I'm not arguing for that at all. Look at what I actually said. I'm more responding to how many commenters seem to assume perfect knowledge of a situation they know very little about. SB could be entirely in the wrong here and I'm fine with admitting that. My point is that everyone seems to be jumping to a lot of

It's good of you to speak up since you know Samantha so personally that you can speak with authority on her motivation and all the factors that went into why she wanted this.

Kevin Pang - Did you go into The Assassin with no exposure to Hou Hsaio-Hsien's oeuvre? All of his films are glacially paced and aesthetically breath-taking. It seems odd in this list of clunkers to include a work from one of the greatest living directors (to be fair, I'm a bit biased).

The Heart Goes Last, after all.

I've seen this sentiment growing about them, and I find it baffling. Traditional comedians use the same technique and pathos year after year without complaint. You almost only see this kind of criticism for absurdist comedy when all comedy engages in the same practice.

The difference between comics and movies can be vast, but the many series centered on Deadpool (Corps, Kills Marvel, Max, Pulp, Killustrated, Kills Deadpool) have all been marvel(ha!)ously enjoyable. Of course, that's when you get different writers doing their own take for each series, so you're probably right.

Thanks, Dad (to be fair, Smart Dad).

I got free passes to a screening of this. There were about 20 people in the theatre, and we all paid far too much for this turd.

No, but everyone born after 1988 will assume you're a huge Skrillex fan.

Is "dangerous" hyperbolic when referring to this practice? Isn't it possible to do more research (loose phrasing, I know) if an article on a topic doesn't exist on wikipedia?

Plus it taps directly into post-modern sensibilities. I, for one, have always loved that the truth in his father's stories is not about whether they really happened.

Is this the all-male remake of Ghost Girls? (Backlash ensues)

Couldn't he just fill out a bracket for the USFL Playoffs instead?

Replace the top hat with a MAGA hat?

You don't listen to Harmontown, do you? From last episode…

Can El Ministerio Del Tiempo colloquially translate to "Time Bobby?" Cause they better watch out for an orphan that has a tendency to get stabby.