Patrick Elliott

In a show about metahumans, Barry and Iris' apartment is the most unbelievable thing on this show.

Has anyone mentioned yet that the building where they all meet up looks suspiciously like the Hall of Justice from the cartoon?

Absolutely. A suicide pact gone wrong but Eugene doing the "right thing" by concocting a story to cover her.

Is it possible Eugene has gone to a place he considers hell, rather than hell itself?

There it is! Much appreciated. It was really bothering me that I couldn't place it. How did I forget Toby? Again, thanks.

Does anyone know who the actor is that played Tina's Tinder date? I know him from something but can't place it. Google and IMDB searches are giving me nothing.

Two great moments of note: the first was Chip having to ask the nurse to repeat her update. The second being the delivery man at the bus stop, completely entranced by his new ring, while on the sidewall of the bus stop was a lost kitty poster, with the word MEOW spray painted on the rear wall. Genius!

Lest we forget about Gendry, the true heir to the Baratheon throne. I believe he still has a massive part to play in the shaping of the Kingdom.

Has Paige already unknowingly started the 2-gen program? Is the pastor inititiating her?