Michael McLaughlin

Massively stupid move not to finish with a last season. With a proper ending, Sense8 would sit on Netflix for years to come, and be discovered by many people and would sit there like a sparkling gem. Now it will sit there, people will discover it and be PISSED there is no ending.

LOL< "unscientific world of anti vax". Only someone who hasn't read the science on both sides would say this. That includes about 90% of the population and 100% of the media.

Grow up. There are millions of fans. IN the first month, Netflix saw that it was one of the only shows where people rewatched it up to 6 times. The FB official Sense8 page has 1.5 million likes. THAT's why. It never ceases to amaze me that just 'cause someone doesn't like a show, they think everyone else shouldn't.

We don't know that. It's a clear question mark whether she made it up or not, left as a question intentionally, either to explore further in another season, or if that's the only season, it serves very well to point the meaning of the show to the characters whose lives were changed by this experience whether it was

So many school shootings have happened, I don't see what the big deal is having a fictional account of it. It was fast, not a lot of time spent on it, so what? Do you also take offense to all the other movies and shows that show far FAR worse and more graphic violence?

Can someone please explain to me why the first episode is supposed to be so bad. I quite loved it - best ep this 10th season so far - so quite honestly: what?

I am totally in the dark about why anyone didn't like the premiere. I thought it was great, better than the second episode, which I also liked. I think people just have become way too critical.

Holy shit, no wonder the show can't get a break. Everyone is so amazingly critical. I don't think there's anything they could write or present that any of you would like. Personally I thought the original series created its mythology nearly perfectly out of mythologies that existed at the time, and I think the reboot

Interestingly enough, it wasn't Lana W that suggested a trans character, but someone else, in this case.

I'm so glad everyone seems to like this show, after reading a few negative reviews elsewhere. I thought I might be in the minority on thinking it's brilliant, but not on this board.

I thought the exact same thing. It was so realistic.