
why would you be amazed? He's the star/producer of one of the biggest most successful franchises in the world?

No love for the 16 yearold showing to his first tournament coming third in KI top 8. Seadragons run on Aria in that top 8 was just fucking amazing.

Their full of such great film making that apparently every good kids movie is attributed to them even when made by a completely different studio.

"This isn't the 70s or 80s where they are remaking things from the 40s and 50s. "

Honestly I think this might be why as a whole I prefer Rebels to Clone Wars. Like individual episodes of Clone wars might be stronger, but even at worst Rebels still has the core cast who I like. At Clone Wars had like multiple episode story arcs following Jar Jar Binks…. wich is… not good.

He does a radio show every thursday where he just answers peoples science questions and does the same pretty much all day every day on twitter. Pretty sure the radio show gets put onto a podcast on top of his own pod cast with Adam Spencer (Australian Commedian/Mathamatican) called Sleek Geeks.

So if you like this guy you should really check out Dr Karl Kruszelnicki (most people just call him Dr Karl for obvious reasons) He's kind of like the Australian version of a mash up of Bill Nye and Neil Degrass Tyson (But without the kind of arogance of the latter)

wait were all the parts invisible too? Cause… that's actually dumber…

Man I never read the books so I don't really give a shit about Thrawn, but I'm really digging the new designs. Kind of a shame Herra's is such a minor change though.

they really don't though, they've just had less exposure. Dr Psycho for one is basically a way more terrifying version of Killgrave from Jessica Jones. Like he's legit one of the most terrifying comic villians in mainstream comics. He once made a crowd of people start eating eachother to distract the heroes from

Clone wars is one of the most uneven shows I've ever seen, Even into like season 4 and shit. It will have some really awesome story arc that really gets you excited to see what happens next, and then follow it up with just a fucking dumpster fire of an episode that kills all momentum and made me want to quit the show.

I find it hard to beleive there is no talking about emotions on the set of Fast and the Furious, that last movie made me cry like a bitch.

Did I see him fighting Lateef Crowder in there too

Let the Nutty Proffessor Go? What the fuck are you smoking Lebouf,
Let The Bo Dees Hit The Floor <- 7 Syllables
Let The Nu Ti Pro Fes Sor Go <- 8 syllables.
It doesn't fit at all.

oh… man I've never had that. Chinese food is usually super filling.

How lacking am I in my racial stereotypes that I have no idea what China has to do with Coke?

Is this some racial steryotype I don't get? What happens to the ghost? Why is your box empty?

This is what killed immersion in Half Life 2 for me, everyone was like 'oooh so cinematic!" and I was just bored being locked in a room listening to exposition wondering why this scientist guy didn't care that I was throwing cups at his face.

Literally the only thing I know about Detroit is Robocop/lol the graphics in the new fallout.

I caught that late one night and stared in jaw dropping disbeleif as Ben from Parks and Rec swaggers on as this bad arse cop investigator dude.
That movie is fucking hilarious, and I'm like 90% sure it's not taking itself seriously for a second.