
I feel like it's kinda unfair to compare any mocumentary to SpinalTap though, it's kinda like 'well yeah you're not as good as the simultaneously best and genre defining movie of this genre' It would be like faulting an action movie for falling short of Die Hard, everything falls short of Die Hard.

"Not available in your country"

I'm actually super curious about that to be honest. But you look at Ninja and Yolandi's group before Di Antwood called Max Normal and like visually and attitude wise it couldn't be more different.

A lot of his words words words stuff went to dark places, but it never felt genuine, like he has an entire rant about his awful wife that hates him and shit but half the joke is he's like 17 and making jokes like a tired middle aged stand up.

Whoever the fuck did Bigby's voice in Telltales Wolf Among Us. Holy shit that dudes voice is like aural sex.

Man there's a line "I love your hand's cause your fingerprints are like no other" that is just SO fucking spot on with dumb vapid pop love songs it almost hurts.

Man as much as I loved 'what' it also made me genuinley kind of worried about where his head was at. This doesn't sound like it's gotten better. Legit hope the dude is ok cause his shit is fucking genius.

I've only seen the trailer for Maximum Overdrive and that doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

I am shamed by my mistake.

something something underage gangbang

I'm always curious to know how much of it is an act, like obviously there is some core truth to it because… fucking look at them. But I don't believe it's entirely genuine cause I don't think they'd be able to be as productive and competent as they are if that was really them.

I've always thought Snyder is a fucking great visual director that just doesn't know how to tell a story to save his life. Like when he's on his shit is fucking fantastic like the dream sequences in sucker punch or the action segments of 300. It's just that connecting tissue that he's… kinda shit at.

I would rate Unbreakable over 6th sense. After you know what's comign 6th sense loses a lot of it's appeal. Unbreakable works as just a damm good movie even without the twist

Total Recall is a movie that the only thing I remember about it is the fact that I have on multiple occasions completely forgotten it exists in spite of seeing it opening weekend. It's not actively bad but just painfully nothing.

You realise Di Antwood is an act though right?

Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble got in first.

oh wow, good for him then. Hope he enjoys the extended edition.

Pretty huge difference in context, one couple was standing under a bridge in a completely intact city about to go on a dangerous mission, the other was standing on the rubble of a destroyed city.

Did anyone actually like it? I've literally not seen a single positive comment on it. The best I've heard is 'well it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen'

I haven't seen the movie yet because honestly…. (do I really need to give a reason here)
But I don't see why killing people becomes necessary over like, some dumb bullshit like Frank Miller's Batman having rubber bullets that don't kill. Or like some magic tranquilizer gun that he built that knocks people out or even