
I fear if you want to correct my grammer mistakes you've gotten yourself in for a bigger job then you anticipated.

I think the Thor movies are the worst ones that marvel has put out, but the general quality of Marvel movies means their still a 7/10

wait but didn't they turn out that Hulks never killed anyone cause of… fucking super maths or something?

man I loved Planet Hulk so fucking hard and… I didn't even finish reading WWH. I started and just didn't give a shit. And I read EVERY fucking tie in for Civil War. I think I got up to Dr Strange making giant hulk hands or some shit and just…. eh.

man have I got some comics that will upset you.

Hey hey lets be fair here, they don't JUST say their sorry. Ferris Beuller had to pay a 300 dollar fine too! So it's not like he got off completely scott free.

Stop, my penis can only get so erect!

My dad had a constant habit of fake spoilers for every movie, he would just constantly tell us characters died regardless of what kind of movie it was, if he even knew what the movie was etc.

yeah the second trailer actually got some genuine laughs out of me, and that was going into it kind of expecting to hate it after that first one.

I think my favorite thing about this whole cluster fuck is when it was announced there were these clear ideological stances about "BOO WOMEN!" and "BOO MRAS!" that a lot of people took, and then seeing the people that took a "MRA's are wrong this movie will be great' as an ideological stance then be forced to mount

yeah but the 2009 trek reboot was actually good? I'm not saying this wont be but Nimoy's praise of the 2009 reboot could easily be genuine since it's a fun movie.

honestly I don't not like them, but I don't like them either. Their movies that are just kinda there. Like they're not offensive or bad or anything, but I'm not gonna get upset if I never hear about ghostbusters again either.

To be fair, when James Rolfe made a video saying he wasn't going to see it because it didn't look verry good, The AV club posted a think piece about how he's a sign of fan entitlement and a misogynist.

Hey man let the guy be crazy, I don't trust him cause of blues brothers 2000 and repeatedly showing up in Adam Sandler movies.

Holy shit I didn't even realise that was a thing, thank you for pointng out the minimise button.

Jason X is clearly the best.

no…. no I refuse to believe that.

Honestly at this point with Dan Akroyd's recent career his endorsement is a bigger strike against the film then anything else they could have done.

It's really easy to tell the difference, when one tries to drunkenly punch you and call you a fuckin poof. Then you're dealing with Russell Crowe.

Suck it in, pull tight.