
works for me.

I say eccenting nutcases with money, your every day eccentric nutcase just lives on the street corner and tries to piss on you when you walk past to ward off the bad ghosts.

she doesn't become a 'bad girl' she dressed like the women that Danny hangs around with She's still clearly not entirely at ease with the role she's taken on she's just making an effort to show she wants to be a part of his life too.

Wait there making a wrinkle in time movie?

Man New Frontier was what got me into reading DC comics, it's just a fucking incredible book and Darwyn was an incredible artist. His version of Wonderwoman is still the version I think everyone should be immitating.

Because she wants to spend time with someone who has an entirely different life style then her. You take an interest in your partners lifestyle, that's how healthy relationships work. You don't just go 'no you have to change everything about yourself and do everything the way that I do it' with no give back. It's give

If Danny had changed his life completly for Sandy and Sandy had made no attempt to change or take an interest in Danny's life then that's a shitty one sided relationship.

being mentally ill doesn't make you racist, being a racist shit bag makes you racist.

While yeah tha twould have been a cool ending, but the ending we get makes it pretty clear that this wasn't an actual lifestyle change for Sandy, she was essentially playing dress up to flirt with a guy.

I thought batman begins was a great movie when it was about a rich dude going crazy and living in a mountain cult. When it was like 'no this is actually batman' it was just… Awful

Never saw the musical so I'm only going by the movie here. Sandy doesn't turn into someone that is only interested in cars and tail. That's a super simplistic point of view. She's taking an interest in the lifestyle he lives, he's taking an interest in the lifestyle she lives. Their both trying to compromise to

The ending song is literally sandy telling Danny that he has to shape up to be with her. When they go into 'you're the one that I want' Danny has changed, he became a jock, quit his greaser gang etc. He shows up in a letterman jacket and his friends are all like 'yo whered you steal that!' and he's all like 'nah

Yeah I was never super into Batman, but then when the Batgod stuff started going on where 'batman is the best and no one could ever fight batman and batman could beat up superman and batman is the best at everything' it turned me from someone who didn't really have strong feelings about batman one way or the other to

Sandy dresses like a street walker, and Danny becomes a jock. They both change for each other.
Hell if anything Danny changes more because he's actually joined the football team and earned his letterman jacket to be good enoguh for Sandy. Sandy on the other hand obviously is only playing dress up and is still getting

I also feel like they don't really consider who the charecters are before they od this, they just see everyone should be the same regardless of what kind of body type someone that does what they do would have. Like sure Shaggy eats a lot, but he also spends like 90% of any scooby doo cartoon running. Robin is a

You don't remember the ending very well.

How is the ending morally bankrupt?

Just Batman in general, I can't think of a single Batman instance that I've been like 'aww yiss mother fucking Batman!" he's just a boring mopey sad sack piece of shit. Dude needs to get the fuck over himself.

I've gotta disagree with what it means to be 'adult' in this context. Being an adult doesn't mean the death of childish things, what's that CS Lewis quote? "When I became an adult I put childish things away, including the fear of being being seen as childish and the desire to be grown up" or something like that?

Also when the imagery is just Tron….