
There's no real concrete explanation, it's just cultural cartoon short hand thing, it's like the japanese equivilent of getting really angry that steam shoots out your ears.

It's weird cause in the intro the writer says their not listing any that are subtext only, but then has like Victoria hand from shield. Who's sexuality was never even mentioned in the show and the only hint at her being a lesbian is that the comic book charecter she's based on was a lesbian.

I'm sorry can we back the fuck up here, like I know the whole bury your gays thing is super shitty and deserves to be talked about and shit but reading through that list and I got to

because I watched the Wire. Seriously that show does not paint a nice picture of that city.

Honestly as a huge star trek fan, I kinda get the 'too star treky' complaints. Movies and TV are different, a good star trek tv episode wouldn't necessarily make a good star trek movie. I mean it would probbably make a better star trek movie then into darkness (Though that's not hard) but a star trek movie should be

The thing that really bugs me about these movies is that in the original show, Bones is as much a part of it as Spock. There like this major Trio of charecters that carry the show, the movies completely sidelined Bones as commedy relief cranky doctor and have it all about Spock/Kirk slash fiction.

Weather you care about him or not is kind of irrelivent, he's a major captain america villian who has a history of manipulating shit behind the scenes and he is in this movie.

then the entire conversation is kinda moot, Stark made the suit so of course it would look proffesional.

wait if thats been confirmed, doesn't that all but guarntee the one we're seeing here was made by tony?

Those speed suits fit pretty well and it doesn't take a genius to alter the fit of something, google a youtube search for seamstressing will get you like 90% of the way there. As for the machine milled eyes. Man go look up 'mass effect cosplay' to see the level of proffesional level clothing, armour, prosthetics that

What we've seen in trailers doesn't show anything about Baron Zemo and shit though, Baron Zemo pulling strings from behind the scene to fuck up Caps day is totally something that fits within his MO.

because it shows that there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. So trying to judge how much the story makes sense at the moment is kind of pointless.

ok those 'realistic spidey' costumes are NEVER going to be a major costume in a movie, that's not a realistic expectation and you should stop hoping for it. With the amount of money going into these movies they want the designs to be iconic, they want people to look at it and go 'thats spiderman' not 'thats someone

I think it's pretty teling showing how the trailers end, we know they're both going to end with teaming up against a common enemy, but the BvS one straight up showed us Doomsday and Wonderwomans last minute entry and Cap hasn't even mentioned Barron Zemo in anything but casting.

honestly I'm kinda glad they don't have X-men, x-men and it's story works WAY better in a world that doesn't have super heroes. OTherwise the entire conflict is just… weird.

Wait fuck you are we actually getting a damage control show? Like with Hercules and shit?

I honestly don't have a problem with the Shwarma scene because it kinda seemed more like a group of people who had just exhausted themselve saving people taking a break to get some food rather then like a big celebration, their not all boisterous and happily having a celebratory feast, their eating silently and

To be fair Spidey is ridciulsouly strong, he'd be able to yank it out of Steves hand pretty easily.

Well considering that we know Barron Zemos, and Crossbones are showing up we know Hydra is going to be playing a role in this, on top of the hints at Red Hulk showing up. I'd say you're pretty far off the mark.

Literally yes, Thanos is in love with the personification of the concept of Death but is immortal and can't die and be with her.