
I think this trailer looks awful, but the saving grace is that it is nothing like anything Dan Akroyd wanted to make because HOLY SHIT that stuff was bad.

garbage is arguable, souless? What the hell?

Guy was involved in some fairly special effects heavy tv shows.

on the other hand worked out pretty fucking well for Captain America 2.

Also DeKnight a great director, I can't speak for his angel or smallville, but S1 of daredevil was fantastic and so was Spartacus.

But… sucker punch did suck? That movie was awful.

Mad Max made him a star, but it didn't make him a star cause he was Mel Gibson, a lot of people could have filled the role and the movie would have been pretty much the same film. Like there's nothing about the Mad Max films that is just 'well yeah that had to be Gibson or it never would have worked" (Case in point

Original concept is a positive sure, but it's a verry small positive weighed against a fuck tonne of negatives being EVERYTHING ELSE.

Yeah there's a lot of shit going on in the first one that is quiet clear that the world isn't in a good place, like the state of the cop shop is this fucking run down warehouse, just how the police operate, the insane gangs, all that shit.

It's not exactly a retcon, it's not post apoaclyptic, it's like set during the fall of civilisation. It's defenitly not just 'dirty harry in rural Australia' I grew up in Rural Australia and that movie is fucking bonkers.

Ferral kid grows up to lead the caravan, he's the narator of the second movie, telling the story of max to future generations

OK so who did that and what possible reasons could they have?

I'm genuinely unsure weather his stuff has always sucked, and I only realized it later, or weather knowing more about him has ruined my impression of him.

Second this, I fucking loved the first one, it's so fucking weird.

man their are times I would have seen challenging nostalgia critic as fighting words, now I can't fucking stand the guy though.

Man can you imagine how much more uncomfortable the fight between Max and Furiosa would have been with Gibsons baggage behind it?

Also feral kid ran the group taking them up to queensland, he's narating the second movie in flashback, that's a stupid fan theory.

If the only thing you judge a film on is how quotable it is you're probbably a fucking idiot. If you're the Nostalgia critic you're almost certainly a fucking idiot though. Fuck that dude.

Mell Gibson is kind of incidental in who Max Max is though, Max is George Millars charecter that Gibson happened to play, Rocky IS Stalone, it's completely different.

I remember watching the movie and thinking it was great, then reading the books after and thinking "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU INTEND TO TURN THIS INTO A KIDS MOVIE FRANCHISE?!" Jesus there was no fucking way that entire trilogy was getting finished with were that story goes.