
Solar panels don't work in moonlight, something to do with reflected light not carrying the same energy as direct light? As for the magical glowy rocks. I'm sure if Fitz was there they could have hacked something together, but a botanist and a security dude probbably aren't the people that are gonna be able to do

The stinger from the first episode is straight up taken from this episode. I doubt it's been reshot.

I'm not sure there's a tv budget on earth that could do a full Steranko style show, but god damm that would be something to see.

To be fair some of the flora was the 'moving and try to eat you' flora like the tentecal monster. So at that point is it really that different to fauna?

The only thing that would prevent a gun from firing in space is if the lack of oxygen prevents the gun poweder from igniting, assuming that's fine then yes they'd fire fine.

Part of coulsons agreement with the Asguardian dude is 'as soon as we're done we destroy the fucking portal' and Coulson was like 'yeah no shit we trash that mother fucker'

The problem is the time Simmons experienced on the planet (The 4722 hours) matches up with the 6 months the people on earth experienced of her missing. So time pretty clearly works the same there.

The problem with that is if time moved so much slower on the planet then on earth, then Simmons would have been stuck on the planet for like a couple of hours before Fitz showed up? Hell maybe not even that long?

the actor age is just an oversight, this episode clearly showed that time worked the same, They had a counter with how long she was there for and everything, hell the name of the episode is 4722 hours (Wich is like 6 months, the amount of time she's gone for)

What no resolutions? There have been plenty of resolutions?
How did Coulson come back to life: Resolved
Whats the deal with the shit coulsons drawing on the wall: Resolved
What the fuck is this ancient city: Resolved
What's the mystery with Skye and shit: Resolved

Doesn't beahve like a symbiot, and the legal doesn't line up (Symbiots are owned by spiderman wich is owned by sony)

I'm struggling to remember who the fuck mike even is?

why is everyone obbsessed with the idea that time moved slower on the planet? Time moved at the same speed, otherwise she wouldn't have been there for 4722 hours. She would have been there for what… assuming the 14 years is like 1 year so he didn't age, she would have been there for like 2 weeks.

Wasn't there an agent of shields bottle episode earlier entirely set on the plane or something?

Ok so the captain cold thing as dumb as it is matches up with the comics. So I can kind of forgive that ,Captain Cold is the A grade cold themed villian that all other cold themed villians (Killer frost, Mr Freeze etc) one day hope to be. Dude's a monster.

I still think the best episode of the show is the Wards turn episode. That was such a huge HOLY SHIT! moment that I didn't see coming at all. And it's had huge reprecussions on the show since.

The Will thing is weird, but she was still in the process of being hunted by the sand thing when she passed out, then woke up with the wood knife before she'd really established that she'd gotten home and was safe. She was still in that moment thinking she was in danger.

She was being chased by sand monster devil astronaut before she passed out though, her waking up in the cell with Fitz was her first time being conscious after passing out during the sand demon chase. So she probbably hadn't processed that that moment of immediate danger was over by that point.

Literally the last thing that happened to her before she got pulled through the portal was being attacked by a monster sand demon, then she was passed out after she got back through the portal. So her waking up with the wood was literally the first time she'd been awake since being attacked by the sand demon. It makes