
'88 yearold rich white man isn't socially progressive'

Well yeah it's hard, he's the first boss of Wiley's castle? He still follows the megaman rules and is weak to lightning beam to take him out quicker.

This doesn't look like quality television but it looks fun.

If this isn't allready a monster in some kind of horror movie I'm gonna be dissapointed.

Also his arm is a shlong.

That arm is a penis…

I had a mental hiccup and read that as Angela Landsbury and I want that to happen so fucking bad now.

Honestly I'm not sure the movie had what you'd really call a 'chief villian'
Alfie Allen is just a snivling shit stain, but he's the one that actually starts shit, then it's just people reacting, Viggo reacts to having his son killed, Wick reacts to having his friend killed etc.

Well I wouldn't really call Viggo the 'chief villian' from the first movie. Alfie Allen was more that and Viggo just kind of… got involved by the end of it. So maybe the female crime boss will be the same?

Superman 64

Battletoad is literally impossible with 2 players. There is a glitch in level 11 where the second players controller becomes inactive like it was unplugged.

His name is Yellow devil, his goo blobs always move across in the exact same order so you can learn the pattern and then he's pretty simple.
Git gud.

That would have been too smart for a Bay film.

One of the most sucessful, highest paid directors in the world being super racist is a problem with racisim though?

Dude he killed in this episode that was all burn face around inhumans was a post outbreak one.

Saw Crimson Peak, I think going into it with foreknowledge that it isn't a straight horror movie defeintly helps. Really enjoyed it.

mother fucking megaman yoshi!

See that's the thing, it's not a very good 'do it quickly, get good' game though. If you compare it to the 'adventure' titles it falls short, but if you compare it to the other speed run focused platformers like Dustforce or Meat Boy, it doesn't really hold up there either.

My faviourte is still Ocarina, I'll admit that other games in the series are better on most levels, but I put so much fucking time into Ocarina back in the day, I don't think I've ever played a game as much as I have that one. I got my run time down to about 6 hours or something (with generous use of the pulling up