
Menasaor is in this and it's one of the hypest fucking boss fights ever.

See you can say that cause you understand pommy slang, but if you listend to someone from south africa or Australia talking with real thick accents and slang you'd probbably be absolutely rooted tying to understand em. Like if I said to you 'lets hit the bottolo sarvo and get chokkas on the piss, yeah nah mate fuckin

But mutants don't always breed more mutants and humans don't always breed non mutants so would that really change much (In the grand scheme of things, obviously not in their personal lives)

Wich was the one that Taskmaster and Dispiccable antman sat around watching Chuck while one of the zombified students hunted everyone down? Cause that shit was amazing.

Wasn't she using her hacking this episode to monitor police junk or something? When she was arguing with coulson about the team and he is all "LISTEN TO YOUR FATHER!"

Woha I haven't watched Flash, Jay Garrick is in it? and Hot? Is he like 70?

Yep, Agron is dead. Hunter started using brass knuckles and knocked him the fuck out, then he was all like "OI! WONNAU GONNA CAWL IT?" and the ref dude was like 'whats the point, he aint breathing anymore' and Lance was all bloody and like O_O

How the fuck did that not get mentioned in the review?

I don't think alien threat is really a puzzlement situation in the MCU anymore, After Avengers, Thor 2, etc. Aliens are just a thing that they deal with now.

Well 'evolution' gave him magnet powers so that should be kind of a given shouldn't it?

It was a cool fight but it seemed… pointless? Like they just wanted an opportunity for May to show off, They specifically said 'hey don't fight around here these people talk and they will defenitley start talking about a little asian woman kicking arse' so then she goes and does exactly that? That seems sloppy May.

Werent Rabbids first though?

Honestly this episode brought me around on Lincoln, I've never got the general dislike that most people have for him, and seeing a different side of him other than the 'I'm really nice and shit' let me buy into his charecter a lot more.

You could do new 52 Animal Man and just go straight horror. Seriously that comic was amazing and some of the most unsetteling shit I've ever seen. But I doubt a tv show could do it justice.

Oh man Mr Terific, I will always prefer the original just for that costume. It's teh dorkiest dumbest fucking costume in any super hero book and I love it whole heartedly. Can we got modern Mr Terrific to atleast have a big 'fair play' sign stapled to his chest?

" is breaking ground as the first black female character to headline her own superhero franchise,"
Mother fucking Catwoman, I don't care how much you pray, that film still happened! I won't let anyone forget it cause it was god damm glorious!

How is it the same attitude? Checking your phone cause you're bored isn't ruining it for other people. It's keeping yourself entertained at a shitty show.

Honestly I think the worst thing Interstellar did was having Matt Damon be crazy and evil. That was the point the film turned from 'oh my god this is amazing' to 'oh it's one of these movies now… ok'

I figured out the twist to Oblivion from the fucking trailers….

Oh god it's final fantasy 13…