
I know it's only voice work, but he gets some serious pathos out as Po's dad in Kung Fu Panda.

That would make sense if ward was a rational clear thinking man. He is not.

I really liked that scene, the dudes and dudettes standing motionless by the poles really sold it from 'what's going on here this is kinda dumb' to 'awesome loyalty test while Ward gets to be a dick' thing. Esspecially since they didn't draw attention to it till the end so at first I was just focusing on what's going

I think it was just a 'her having self control' type thing.

wait there was a dude with a sword at the beginign? Shit did I miss that?

we all appreciate it.

Man that costume actually looks awesome in normal lighting, better than it did in the 'we can't see shit dark' of the hospital.

"Marvel's emphasis on heroes over villains just does not work in movies, because people like conflict, depth and character development especially in villains,"

See that's the thing their both just cheap and lousy looking. In 30 years when film makers grew up with shitty cheap looking digital films their going to be artifically adding in the problems from digital films, and artifacting and compression problems to harken back to the shlock they watched growing up and everyone

Am I the only one that finds the weird reverence for the cheap asthetic of old movies compared to the general dislike of the cheap asthetics of new movies kinda weird? Like their both cheap and bad looking, just cause you grew up with one doesn't make it better.

But what if their like green or something, that would be rad.

Honestly I don't have strong feelings about it one way or the other, I just don't really get the dislike about it? They all seem to come down to 'fish oil is inherently silly' or something? Which… huh?

It's selective in that it will turn anyone that has the inhuman genes into an inhuman. If it was in something more wide spread (Like just general fish) then everyone that has an inhuman gene would be turned pretty quickly. Keeping it contained to a niche product lets them keep the inhuman transformation contained for

Oh shit I completely forgot this show started! I'm late, shit… have we done the agent hard body puns allready? Complained about the review score?

I'm pretty into comics and I have absoltuely no problem with the inhumans thing. Infact I think its rad as shit.

I don't get why? Contaiminents go into the ocean, fish oil is a product that takes from the ocean, fish oil is contaiminated. That just… makese sense to me?

I think a lot of people are kind of underselling how clever the fish oil angle is. It's not a huge thing in every fish in the world, it's in kind of a niche product. If it was just say 'tuna' that's something that everyone eats and the amount of Inhumans would be MASSIVE. Like to the point of being completely

I don't think legally they can use the symbiote cause of it's ties to Spiderman and Sony (Though how does taht work across TV shows? Does sony only own the rights in terms of films?)

Honestly, I kind of love it, the goofier the better if you ask me.