
I hate to bring this up cause… I fucking LOATHE this piece of comic book lore because it's just… fucking moronic.
But apparently Bruce maintains a level of controll that lets him use his genius to controll hulks rampages so no one ever gets hurt.

Wait are you saying I'm not using shit the bed wrong or that the movies didn't shit the bed? Also I'm not really that fussed on what everyone else thought of the movies? If they like them then yay cool, go you, glad you enjoyed it. I'll for my own opinion though.


And you brought it back around to being relevant again! That is well played my friend.

I called them and they were too intimidated by it, it's up to the faithful to find a way.

my Bea Arthurs dick fan tumblr currently has 473 followers, is that enough of an army?

Wait if reflected is a bullshit word, what do mirrors do?

Ok I don't follw US politics enough to know about his sons, but how the fuck is the one that did animal mutilations NOT the creepy one?!

I can't lie, I'd fuck Bea Arthurs dick.

What they used Kenny Logins Danger Zone too?
*edit* well damm I was beaten to this so now I look like a moron.

I really enjoyed it, in terms of found footage films It's probably in my top 2.

They change it from being religious to an infection, but other than that it's basically shot for shot.

My faviourte part was still that giant troll at the end. For all the shit we get with CG big fucking giants are still super rare in movies and that's kinda disappointing to me.

oh shit I think I saw that….

Remakes of good movies usually get worse, remakes of bad movies usually get better. Like look at The Thing(50's version compared to 80's, not the recent one), Little Shop of horrors, The Fly etc. The originals weren't anything special, but their remakes became classics.

Did you see her line of questions on what she'd fight in her AMA?

I tend to think when someones good enough physically and has enough charisma, they don't need to be able to act.

If you're looking for 'really good film critiques' in the comment section of a website you've made some awful mistakes in your life.

Not nessicarily better, it still has a lot of flaws. But I think Bruce actually living through it was unessecary and the fact that his last two movies have pulled bullshit out their arse to save the main character when the rest of the film set up their heroic sacrifice isn't really a good sign.