
I thought that comic was going to be him interviewing Hughes not the actor. I wonder if hughes is embarrased by the awful shit in some of his movies in reterospect? Has he ever commented on it?

It's the wrinkly skin and glowing light from within that makes me think of scrotum.
Though yeah, in the blanket he's def an uncircumsied dick.

I don't knwo whats more offensive, that or the fact that was a third Revenge of the Nerds.

Wow that actually sounds worse then the 'dress up as her boyfriend to have sex with her' rape by deception in revenge of the nerds.

I'm sorry but ET looks like a scrotum. I don't care what else happens in that movie the alien looks like a god damm Scrotum and I can't like it because of that.

I've actually grown to hate Ferris Beuler, like I used to love it but watching it as an adult Ferris is just… such a dick.

When did they do that list? 2005?

Yeah but I'd wager the reviewers have a better knowledge of obscure indie movies then they do anime.

well now that you mention it… they do share a lot in common.

Do they manage to sneak money grubbing jews into it at all?

You really should check it out, episodes are only like 10 minutes long, there's no real continuity so you can pick it up anywhere and it's god damm amazing.

I'm still dissapointed that didn't become a bigger thing, that movie was awesome.

Ferris Bueller didn't limit himself to pithy things like cities, or times, or concepts of limitation. He was in charge of reality itself.

Wasn't that the slasher movie taht they failed to kill any of the kids in that lead to the appocalypse in cabin in the woods

It was Dr Seuss that didn't like kids

Considering the end of the bonus episode it's probbably the only one that literally has a student fighting the school.

Not only that, they hinted at him in the daredevil show with his armour showing up in the background.

In an incredibly illegal and morally dubious way.

71 yearold man doesn't like rap.

Isn't this all kind of moot since Elba said he doesn't want to be Bond?