
Anyone that calls a prawn a yabby is wrong, their two different animals. Also we have prawn cocktails. The small shrimp you're talking about aren't the same animal at all. Their under half a centimeter long and no one eats them because their fucking tiny.

For someone that was so upset by my mistake in etymology of the word prawn before you sure don't know what the fuck nationalism means.

If you read my comments you'd see I said I think the episode is funny. It's just weird to see that they care so much about authenticity of some things and not others.

No one in Australia calls them Shrimp, it's an entirely american thing. They're called prawns.

When you're parody is just playing on every insulting steryotype of a foreign culture you can think of, I'm pretty sure it's just racisim. (Nationalism?) As a parody it's about as nuanced as showing America as nothing but shirtless fat rednecks wearing american flag pants, holding a machine gun in one hand and a bible

You're missing my point, I'm not upset that they don't give a shit about accuracy when they go to other countries. I said it makes me feel weird that they so fragrantly don't give a shit about that then DO give a shit about other specific cultural things.

There is a huge difference between taking the piss out of yourself and other people taking the piss out of you. The fact that they didn't even get any Aussie voice actors involved in it makes it come off less like 'hey this is all in good fun and we're all friend's' and more like 'stupid Australians'

Oi that cunt Mick? Nah fuck him his skateboards were shit anyway.

See that's the thing though. The episode on it's own and the wildly innacurate depiction of Australia is funny. As an Australian it makes me laugh. But then hearing about how they would do lots of research about a hindu wedding to make sure it was accurate or new york for that episode makes me feel like they think

See the thing is I love the episode it's hilarious. It doesn't bug me that they don't care about getting Australia right as much as it does that they DO care about getting other places right? Like a Hindu wedding is an important thing to be accurate and culturally sensitive about but my entire Country isn't?
Like if

well maybe the fact that they didn't want to have the real prime ministers name associated with the episode should have been a huge fucking red flag that maybe the episode wasn't a good idea in it's current form?

the fuck did we ever do to you?

For starters they didn't have a single actual Australian accent, they got the name of our prime minister wrong, and the 'ignoring it for the sake of a joke' basically ended up as 'everyone in Australia is a backwards bogan' wich is pretty insulting.

They didn't even get the name of our Prime Minister at the time right.

You know what's funnier then that? ACTUAL bogan accents. Not stupid american versions of it.

I always feel weird seeing how much effort they put into authenticity of shit like this or when they went to new york, compared to how much they absolutely half arsed going to Australia. I mean I love that episode, but it's a weird feeling that hey a hindu wedding deserves meticulous research but the country I live in

Mother fucking Animals of Farthingwood.
This was a god damm kids adventure show about talking animals escaping their forest and trying to get to a nature preserve.
They had a higher death count then fucking game of thrones.
They had shit like the pheasents wife got shot by a hunter, so the pheasent dude couldn't continue

I am legend fucking broke me into an inconsolable sobbing mess. Jesus fucking christ. I've been sad in movies before but not even human charecters diying have ever broken me like that fucking scene in I am Legend.

He's one of the few big actors who can actually voice act like a mother fucker. I think it might be cause he's a singer too?

Also if voice acting counts. Fucking Kung Fu Panda 2, He's god damm amazing in that.