
"it's for the fans" says the guy who is the lead of a comic book show that wont reveal the characters costume

Wait wait wait….Lilyhammer had multiple seasons?

Yeah I have been desperately hoping for some sort of link dump article like this since I first saw the tweets as they happened. Trying to follow the whole story across multiple twitter accounts that I don't follow was impossible. That said I avoided the cartoon brew article since that same night as the blow up people

Miriam Lass is mentally traumatized as all hell and no one thought that maybe giving her a gun was the worst possible idea?

I agree with this 100%. I just wish I could remember what the fuck it was for. I watch it 5 times yearly around the superbowl season and I still cant remember what it was for.

-Watching dogtooth while pregaming before a house show with friends. We heard it was nominated for an oscar, we hadn't heard about the weirdddd sex in it.
-Watching Happiness by myself after a friend got me it as a gift saying it reminded her of me.That did wonders for my self esteem.

-Watching dogtooth while pregaming before a house show with friends. We heard it was nominated for an oscar, we hadn't heard about the weirdddd sex in it.
-Watching Happiness by myself after a friend got me it as a gift saying it reminded her of me.That did wonders for my self esteem.

I can't get over the big villain of the series right now was revealed. He doesn't have his i.d to get into the army base it is okay! He happens to be a douchebag who got his own name tattooed on his forearm in a stylized way.  I really hope a plot point is that he is deathly afraid of amnesia so that is why he got the

I can't get over the big villain of the series right now was revealed. He doesn't have his i.d to get into the army base it is okay! He happens to be a douchebag who got his own name tattooed on his forearm in a stylized way.  I really hope a plot point is that he is deathly afraid of amnesia so that is why he got the

Who was the last ice based villain that showed up? I misheard what the other villains called him.

Who was the last ice based villain that showed up? I misheard what the other villains called him.

VH1 vjs must be flipping their shit.

VH1 vjs must be flipping their shit.

So even if a show is bad, we shouldn't criticize since "oh its just being itself".

So even if a show is bad, we shouldn't criticize since "oh its just being itself".

Seriously is there a gif of Daniels walking through steam yet?

Seriously is there a gif of Daniels walking through steam yet?

Jeff Daniels strutting out of the mist while wearing a tan jacket like some sort of yacht rock artist is something that actually happened on tv tonight.

Jeff Daniels strutting out of the mist while wearing a tan jacket like some sort of yacht rock artist is something that actually happened on tv tonight.

Was it just me or was this episode like 9 minutes short? It was 9:51 when the credits came up.