
[Kent voice] This is actually the fifth season.

Unless you watched The Thick of It.

Tomato, tomaro?

Nik Fackler, not Facklet

This is not episode specific but I can't believe they brought in two poc characters, killed one after like three episodes and won't let the other speak. Makes me crazy.

I really hope that talk between Lucy and the other nurse whose name I don't know is the prelude to Lucy using her pull with Henry to help the other nurses too, not just herself.

I'm really thrown by this review. It was my understanding that Carr was "saved" by Gallinger and, you know, therefore still alive. The last thing Gallinger said in that scene was for Algernon to finish the hernia repair while he manned the breathing pump thing. Why would you do any of those things if he were dead?

"When you speak, I feel like it's the devil talking."

Imagine her having a kid.

Yeah, I didn't get this until the reviewer pointed it out but it makes sense. If Scotty thought it was actually his baby and was trying to lay claim to it, it seems more likely he'd have said "my baby" instead of "our baby."