Daniel Plainview

This is horrendous writing. Proof of what happened when "publishers" stopped paying people and started trying to get into the crowdsource of it all. Bleh.

This is a shockingly poorly written review. The subject-verb-object syntax and the paucity of references suggest an overdue high-school term paper.

I don't mind the snark, I mind the "Hey, we're just a bunch of second-year undergrads chatting around the pie at Shakey's Pizza" tone that is enforced in everything here. God forbid something sound like A WRITER WROTE SOME WRITING. It all has to have that hey-gang, yuk-yuk, Facebookin' feel. BARF!

Why does everyone on this site respond to "Girls" like it was a soap opera? "Damn, that bitch needs her comeuppance!" It's not that kind of party and that's not going to happen.

"Mimi Rose doesn't wear deodorant. So…yeah." So yeah? Do you get paid to write this stuff? "Seriously, how punchable is this dude?" I am sure there is much pressure to write in this strenuously casual, first-person, Facebookin' mode, but you come across like the "Boom goes the dynamite" sportscaster.