
Wrote about it at the top, but Earth has some DAMN good gems and guilty pleasures on it.

Nice Freaked reference for your name!

Earth was the only album my record store had at the time I got into Matt, so maybe it's nostalgia speaking, but I honestly think there are some hidden gems on that album. I really dig Vertigo, Easy, and even the late 80s cheese that is Underground. The whole affair has a real Athens music scene feel to it.

The Generation X movie also had Heather McComb, who, while miscast as Jubilee, was a HUGE crush for me. She's got that mid-90s rave thing going on.

You know what I mean?
You know what I mean?
You know what I mean, mean?

Would have swapped Road Movie To Berlin for Dead, much more iconic in my mind, but maybe that's why I don't work for the AV Club.

At first, I found it to be one of the best sight gags in the entire show…but then I slowly began to realize how troubled Robbie is.

I can think of a ton of people who'd violently disagree.

You do realize that Alex Hirsch is nothing, if not a trickster and might be baiting you?

I remember the Gravity Falls Gossiper Podcast theorizing that the last shot of the show would be Dipper coming back to GF when he was 19 or 20 and seeing Wendy again, and possibly reconnecting. Always really liked that, despite being uber-cheesy.

Yes, but it was STILL without either of their consent. Just because Mabel is a good character, thinking she's doing something good, doesn't make it inherently good.

Yes, but not because he loved Tambry, but because he was on an artificial high. The problem is that they had absolutely zero chemistry to begin with. Had they had some kind of common ground, it would have been far far different.

I guess I can agree, I just felt like this episode had tons of loose ends.

Yes, but it's not Mabel's call to make that happen. That's the problem.

More Mission Hill, please.

This is the one part of the episode that went absolutely nowhere and that brought it down for me. It seems like they're setting something up with Nate and Tambry, but it just kind of comes up and goes away.

Really. How is this ANY better than Robbie using the mixtape on Wendy? It felt really illegitimate and I'm hoping there are some actual consequences to what Mabel did.